How to Pack The Perfect Picnic

Two people enjoying a picnic with English Sparkling Wine and a variety of picnic foodTwo people enjoying a picnic with English Sparkling Wine and a variety of picnic food

Make the most of the great British summer with our tips on enjoying the perfect picnic. Whether you prefer a traditional teatime theme or a more rustic offering, there's no better time to get outside for an alfresco feast. 

Savoury Food

To keep hungry guests happy, it's a must to pack savoury treats like traditional sausage rolls, pork pies and scotch eggs. Miniature versions are recommended so they are easily shared outdoors.

Prepare restorative salads with fresh ingredients and seasonal vegetables. Bonus points if these come from your garden!


Sandwiches are the mainstay of a traditional picnic; prepare a selection so that everyone will find something they enjoy.  For a traditional afternoon tea experience you may want to cut off the crusts and create finger sandwiches with simple fillings like cucumber and cream cheese, or you may prefer a more rustic bread.  

A picnic setup with English Sparkling Wine, a Scotch Egg and saladA picnic setup with English Sparkling Wine, a Scotch Egg and salad


Decide what drinks you and your guests want to enjoy. On a hot day you may decide on a non-alcoholic elderflower presse, or if you pack a thermal flask, you can also enjoy a refreshing cup of tea. If you find yourself in a more celebratory mood, perhaps a bottle of fizz is in order? We suggest a little English Sparkling Wine, just remember to pack fluted glasses and drinks coolers to enjoy it at its best. Cheers!

A picnic basket on a blanket with a variety of food on small plates including Scotch Eggs and Sausage RollsA picnic basket on a blanket with a variety of food on small plates including Scotch Eggs and Sausage Rolls

Sweet Treats

To round off the feast, share a selection of sweet treats, for example small cakes, petits fours, and traditional scones with jam and cream. Of course you'll need plenty of biscuits, particularly if you are serving tea. 

Setting the Scene

On a practical note, the main essential is a smart picnic blanket with space for everyone to sit. If space allows and you have willing volunteers to help carry them, you could also pack some scatter cushions or even folding chairs. For a party atmosphere, why not decorate the area with bunting and colourful streamers? Just remember to take it away with you when you leave, to keep the countryside looking as beautiful as you found it.


Now all that's left is to pack all your goodies carefully in a hamper basket and find a scenic spot to while away a leisurely afternoon with friends and family!

A picnic hamper with a variety of small plates and fruit displayed around itA picnic hamper with a variety of small plates and fruit displayed around it